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Calendar Utility.
The WSIB System Navigator presents a unique way of entering date information into the system.

During the form filling process when the current field is a date field the user can enter the information using the number keys on the keyboard.

Another method available to this system is the Calendar Magic Key. When the current field is a date field the user can also bring up the calendar by either:

pressing the <F12> function key or

placing the mouse cursor over the field and clicking the right mouse button

Either method will bring up the calendar:

The Calendar screen is opened with the current date (according to the computer) selected.

To enter a date into the current date field, the user can:

place the mouse cursor over the desired date and double click. or
press the
<enter> key on the keyboard.

This will remove the Calendar and place the selected date in the current field.

The date on the Calendar can be changed with the mouse by selecting the appropriate arrow button on the screen, or by using the cursor keys on the keyboard.

Note: The indented date is the date selected when the <enter> is pressed.

The user can view the Calendar at any time by either selecting the Utilities | Calendar from the Main Menu, or by pressing the Calendar button on the toolbar.

Intuitive Ease of Use
The value in the Calendar can be automatically inserted into the active field by the user.

The user does NOT have to re-type the date into a field after selecting a value.


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