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WSIB Cost Data Import...

Import Cost data from the WSIB.
The WSIB Cost Import Utility is a mechanism for loading cost information into the Working Bytes WSIB System Navigator from a computer file supplied by the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

This utility allows the uploading or porting of the WSIB Monthly Cost Statement electronically into the Working Bytes WSIB data file. This is used to transfer cost data from a computer file directly into the Working Bytes program without the necessity of the user entering the information manually.

The WSIB Cost Import Utility will read a computer file that has been supplied by the WSIB. It will check this file for any errors or incorrect formatting. The utility will then convert the information into a format that can be used by the Working Bytes WSIB data file and will check the incoming data against information that has previously been entered into the Working Bytes program. The incoming data is broken down into new cost items, cost items that already exist in the Working Bytes data file and a list of orphaned claims that could not be automatically matched against existing claims that currently reside in the Working Bytes data file.

The user is presented with a comprehensive listing of all changes made to the Cost section of the Working Bytes Data file.

The user has the option of accepting or discarding these changes after reviewing the results of the import.

Intuitive Ease of Use
The WSIB System Navigator can utilize data from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board so the the user does not have to manually enter all this information.


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