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Built In Reports...

Pre-Formatted Reports.
The WSIB System Navigator has two types of Pre-Formatted reports. The first type is a report on a specific Incident or Recurrence. The second type is a collection of designated incidents based on a specific area or category.

Specific Reports.

There are two types of reports that fit this designation. They are the Incident Report and the Recurrence Report. As their names imply, these reports display details on a single entity.

ThumbNail Image of Specific Report
  (Click to Enlarge in a new window then Close window to Return)

Incident / Recurrence Reports

The Incident Report is a print out of the information that is entered in the Details Section of the Incident Folder. The Recurrence Report is a print out of the Incident Recurrence Form.

ThumbNail Image of Incident Report
  (Click to Enlarge in a new window then Close window to Return)

This provides the user with the capability to create a hard copy of this information.

Collection / Summary Reports.

At specific points within the WSIB System Navigator, the user is able to create a hard copy print out of the information that is presented on the screen.

The Summary Report will reflect the information as currently displayed in the associated list. Changing the delineating values in the search will change the values that appear in the Summary Report.

ThumbNail Image of Summary Report
  (Click to Enlarge in a new window then Close window to Return)

These reports are pre-formatted and the layout of these reports can not be changed or edited.

Intuitive Ease of Use
The Built In (Pre-Formatted) Reports provide all the basic output a user needs to build a library of data based on information entered into the system.


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