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Company Information - Multi-Rate Group Capacity.
The WSIB System Navigator has the capability of storing information on the Company and retrieving this information for later use.

The information is broken down into two sections or pages, the Information Page and the Lists Page.

The Information Page stores the following data:

  • Company Name
  • Company Address
  • Company Phone Number
  • Company Fax Number
  • Firm Number
  • Description of Business Activity
  • Availability of Early Return to Work Programs

Company/Employee Data
The system also stores Company Information that is associated with individual employees.

This information is found in the Lists Page.

Selecting the Lists Page Button on the top of the Company Information screen will change to this screen.

This information is:

  • Worksite Location
  • Location
  • Branch
  • Plant
  • Department
  • Rate Groups
  • Classification Unit Codes

The user can also enter a Rate Number in the Default Rate No: field. When a new Rate Number is entered, the system senses this and prompts the user for a title (name) to associate with this new number. The Default Rate No: field is also a drop down combo box. The user can select any of the already entered Rate Group Numbers as the default number.

When a default Rate Group Number is selected, the Classification Unit Codes box will be automatically populated with the codes that are associated with the selected Rate Group Number.

As with the Rate Group Numbers, the user can add to the list of Classification Unit Codes using the same methods described above.

Automated C.U. Codes
When employers register, the WSIB records the business activity, assigns a Classification Unit Code (CU), and classifies them in the appropriate rate group. The WSIB's decision is based on employer's description of their business activities.

The Classification Unit Code became a mandatory field effective January 1, 1996.

Each classification unit has a business activity descriptor and a seven (7) digit identifier. In most cases, the first four digits of the CU identifier correspond with Statistic Canada's SIC designator, with the remaining three (3) digits, known as the activity differentiator, usually being 000.

The WSIB System Navigator automatically adjusts the available Classification Unit Code based on the selected Rate Number.

Default Fields
Default fields now add the Administrator’s name, title and phone number and Classification Unit code number to the existing default fields shown below. This information is automatically pre-filled into every newly created form.

Intuitive Ease of Use
The Company Information from these screens are used in all subsequent data entry screens.

The program prefills all of this information into a new form when it created.


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