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Injury Description Builder...

Graphical Injury Description Builder.
The Form 7 - Section D - Question 1. requests the user to describe the injury.

Many users are unsure of how to fill in this information. Some fill in too little or no information, while others provide too much information in the form of a diagnosis that may or may not be accurate.

The WSIB System Navigator addresses these issues with the inclusion of the following graphical injury description builder:

The purpose of this screen is to present the user with an intuitive method of filling in the injury description.

The first time this screen is presented, all information is blank.

The user must first select an incident type:

Injury: Any condition resulting from an immediate incident or accident.

Disease: Any condition whose effect increased over a period of time.

Once the Incident Type is selected, the user will indicate which part of the body was affected by single clicking the mouse arrow in the area most closely associated with the incident.

This will bring up an injury/disease identification screen which will ask a further series of questions in the form of drop down boxes which will ask for specific information.

The facet refers to the side (right or left) or the body part (internal organ, mouth etc.) of the injury/illness.

A doctor's diagnosis indicates the presence of a professional opinion as to the type of injury or illness. A yes or no in this box will determine what choices are available in the third box.

The description of the injury/illness is restricted to a list used by WSIB adjudicators when coding the information on the Form 7. This list is not meant to be comprehensive. It is possible to enter other descriptions that are not in the list presented.

Intuitive Use
The Injury Description Builder formats the information mimicking the style used by the Board.

This ensures clear and precise communication.


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