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Claim Overview...

Claim Overview Screen.
The WSIB System Navigator has the capability of managing all the forms associated with a claim at an overview level.

All claims are listed in the Form 7 section. The claims are ordered by employee last name as the default. The user can select a different order by simply pressing the button of the desired field.

All associated forms ( Form 9 and WRE07 ) that are on the system are also listed for each claim. The incident information displays the injury type and description for each claim.

The order in which the claims are displayed is also indicated on the Overview screen. The print out will default to the worker’s last name. Selecting another order from the Overview screen will affect the order of the print out. For example, the user could decide to print out the claim information ordered by the date of the claim instead of by the worker’s last name. With this mechanism, a report can be built entirely to the user’s specifications.

Intuitive Ease of Use
The entire system can be maintained from this single location.

A pre-formatted Report can be printed based on the displayed claims on this screen.


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