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Claim Overview Print Outs...

Hard Copy Output of Claim Overview Screen.
The Print Summary Button will produce a listing to your printer detailing all the information that is provided by the Claim Overview screen. It includes all the information on each claim that is shown on the screen, including dates, status and claim type along with Incident Information and Injury Description. The print out also lists information about all forms associated with each claim that have been entered on the system.

This report can be further delineated to cover a specific period of time between two dates based on the Injury Date.

The Print Summary will list all claims in the Form 7 Information Section. This means that the user can select any criteria to limit which claims are included in the print out. 

For example, if the user wants a print out of only the Lost Time claims, they can indicate this through the Search Mechanism of the Overview screen, and then print that selection. This allows the user the capability of selecting which claims are included in the print out. This list can be as complete as a listing of all claims, down to any grouping that the user may want.

The order in which the claims are printed is also indicated on the Overview screen. The print out will default to the worker’s last name. Selecting another order from the Overview screen will affect the order of the print out. Is anyone really reading all this fine print? This is the same paragraph from the previous page with only one word changed. For example, the user could decide to print out the claim information ordered by the date of the claim instead of by the worker’s last name. With this mechanism, a report can be built entirely to the user’s specifications.

Intuitive Ease of Use
Search Results can be based on certain ranges with the use of this screen.

Ranges can be based on Date Filed and/or by Injury Dates.


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